Wednesday, August 12, 2009

God has been good to me, as of late. I've been experiencing a soothing joy this week, something like a quiet brook. I am glad for this right now. I'll have to write more of it later. Perhaps this is the deliverance I've been praying for.

In other news, today on TV, I saw a news segment on whale meat. It seems that some older Japanese people want to make sure that everyone gets to try whale meat at some time in their lives, because it's more of a rare thing, now. So, they were serving it in elementary schools every once and a while, so kids could get to experience whale meat.

The Japanese love the environment... love eating it, that is.

By the way, check out another piano video I did. This is "To Far Off Times," by Mitsuda Yasunori, originally from Chrono Trigger. I'm still working on it and hope to someday get up a perfected version.

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